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The SanFranRoaster Blog......

Otto Nicli

Recent Posts

The Stages of a Coffee Roast: What You Need to Know

Posted by Otto Nicli

Wed, Jul, 13, 2022 @ 07:07 AM


With specialty coffee roasting becoming more accessible than ever before, you may be curious about what goes into the process. Perhaps you own a small cafe and you’d like to offer your own roasts; maybe you’ve been dreaming of selling coffee at your local farmers’ market. No matter where you find yourself, the San Franciscan Roaster Company is here to help.

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Topics: coffee roaster, commercial coffee roaster, coffee roasting

Specialty Coffee and the Internet: Forging Your Path Towards Success

Posted by Otto Nicli

Fri, Jun, 28, 2019 @ 14:06 PM

Insight_1-resized-600Taking the first steps towards achieving any goal can be daunting, if not downright terrifying. In some cases, the fear of failure stops people in their tracks, before their dream can even begin. As specialty coffee roasters, we understand exactly how you feel; we’ve gone through the same exact emotional roller coaster as you! In fact, we bet that every single specialty coffee roasting company had to get over its very own doubts in order to achieve success. One thing you should keep in mind is the simple fact that you’re not alone. In fact, guidance and support is all around you! 

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Topics: roaster profile, coffee roaster, Successful business, high quality, sense of taste, coffee culture, sustainability

Wholesale vs In-House Roasting: Why You Should Take the Leap

Posted by Otto Nicli

Wed, May, 22, 2019 @ 07:05 AM


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Topics: roaster profile, coffee roaster, SF6

Why You Should Buy an SF-1: From Training and Profiling to Perfection

Posted by Otto Nicli

Tue, Feb, 26, 2019 @ 15:02 PM

The SF-1 is the perfect profiling coffee roaster


The path towards perfection is paved with trial and error. Musicians work on demos before recording a classic; artists work on rough sketches before committing their art to canvas; writers rewrite drafts ad infinitum before completing a manuscript. As such, coffee roasters require a way of freely fine-tuning their roasts. This is where the SF-1 from the San Franciscan Roaster Company comes into play. As our smallest roaster, the SF-1 gives roastmasters the ability to get creative with their roasts without having to worry about ruining batches. In order to create something truly unique, it’s necessary to make mistakes. Bold decisions lead to great outcomes. All too often, however, creativity and originality are put on the backburner. With our SF-1, you won’t have to compromise your creativity.

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Topics: sf1, coffee, small batch coffee roaster

Old School Design in Modern Times | Keeping the Craft of Coffee Roasting Alive

Posted by Otto Nicli

Fri, Nov, 16, 2018 @ 13:11 PM


Every year, people wait with bated breath to hear news about the next generation of iPhones. Everyday, people scroll through their brand new smartphones to learn about the next big gadget. We’re living in a culture of “new.”  We’ve grown accustomed to the lifestyle of simply upgrading as soon as something falters or breaks down. Thankfully, this culture has yet to take over every facet of life (although it does appear to be going that way). There are still artisans who use their craft to build beautiful instruments and tools that are meant to last generations. Sculptors, blacksmiths, potters, and painters continue honing their craft, inspiring those around them with meticulous design that cherishes an inexhaustible history.

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Topics: handmade, high quality, education, experience, SF10, coffee roasting, coffee flavors, taste vs. flavor, sense of taste, art of roasting