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The SanFranRoaster Blog......

Coffee Roaster: Welcome to our Factory


Posted by Emily McIntrye

Fri, Dec, 27, 2013 @ 09:12 AM

Since not all of you coffee roasters get the chance to fly to Fallon and experience our creative, slightly cluttered working environment, we thought we'd welcome you to our virtual lobby with a photo walk-through. Art and ingenuity, with a healthy dose of classic Nevada frontier grit: that's us!
Welcome to San Franciscan.
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san franciscan, coffee roaster, san fran roaster, SF6
Bill is a fan of old radio, fans, and grammaphones. Can you tell?
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Our very own coffee plantation
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We have an eclectic mix of visitors.
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An experimental template in zinc.
PNG, origin country coffee, single origin coffee, espresso machine, peacock

This hand-tooled copper bird was given to Bill by the Governor of Papua New Guinea's Central Province. He traveled across the world with his entourage to choose a SF25 and take a coffee tour of the Northwest with us.
map, pins, map with pins, roasters around the world, Europe coffee roaster,
And on that note, a rarely-updated map of our roasters across the world.
That's it for now, folks! Thanks for visiting us!
More peeks into our operations to come.

Topics: who we are, tour, trivia