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The SanFranRoaster Blog......

Roaster Profile: Bill Kennedy


Posted by Emily McIntrye

Fri, Jan, 03, 2014 @ 17:01 PM

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San Franciscan is built through a world-wide network of coffee roasters who engage with the roasting process in every way, and usually they are driven by love. Love of coffee, love of roasting, and love for the San Franciscan. CEO Bill Kennedy is no exception.
 coffee roaster, san franciscan coffee roaster, coffee, love
Bill often comes home from a day at the factory to roast a batch or two on his private refurbished SF25, while his sons rollerblade around the bags of coffee behind him. "I’ve loved the roaster since the first time I saw a San Franciscan," he says. "I thought it was the coolest piece of equipment on the planet. It had that old fashioned look to it, and I love that. And it just seemed like a sweet, cool-looking piece of equipment. I guess you could say I was drawn to the roaster first and then to coffee after."
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Bill's journey as a coffee roaster and then owner of CoffeePER is driven by the unique nature of the San Franciscan roaster, a tool for artisans.

Topics: roaster profile, roaster, Local, who we are