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Celebrating Individuality & Commercial Coffee Roasters: Introducing the New SF10


Posted by Maria Gomez

Fri, Jun, 29, 2018 @ 12:06 PM



America has always celebrated the individual and the potential of every person to contribute something of unique value to the larger picture. Individualism is an upheld value in the specialty coffee culture; every vision is different and every pair of hands involved in the process is distinct, valuable, and necessary.  This idea is intrinsic to the San Franciscan Roaster Company, where we build using only American-made parts and cherish ideas of craftsmanship, artistry, and innovation. Every machine we construct is handcrafted, carefully assembled, and representative of our profound knowledge of the industry. So in the spirit of one of  America’s finest founding principles, we are proud to introduce our newest roaster: the SF10.

A Brief Overview of the SF10

As manufacturers of commercial coffee roasters, we believe that each machine will give every coffee producer the opportunity to fully explore the art of roasting. Like every one of our machines, the SF10 is assembled by hand and never mass produced. Our specialized machinists labor over the precise placement and production of every nut and bolt to ensure the machine’s smooth operation and longevity.

The SF10 is similar to the SF25, albeit smaller. Due to its size, the SF10 allows you to roast 10 lbs/5kg of green coffee. It is also equipped with an adjustable drum speed and a variable speed hot air circulation fan. Simply put, the SF10 is an awesome roaster.

The Tools of Creation

A characteristic aspect of our machines is their breadth of application for both conductive and convective heat. This gives any roaster more control over the sweetness and flavor of their coffee. After all, the goal of a fine roast is to extract the unique qualities of the coffee bean and produce a well-bodied, flavorful, and aromatic bean.

As any roast-master knows, achieving a fine balance is key. This means controlling factors when using conductive and convective heating. When using conductive heat, this requires some control over preheating and overheating to avoid scorching the beans. The convective method necessitates some discipline and supervision of  airflow to ensure your beans are not overly dried, dehydrated, or even scorched. Our machines are made to provide this versatility and control needed to enhance a roast and provide artisan roasters the opportunity for making their very own special coffee cup.

The Coffee Culture Shift

The emphasis and importance of a roast’s individual quality, however, was not always at the forefront of coffee production. Even as late as the 1970’s, the coffee industry was a little concerned over the unique character of coffee. Most coffee found on the shelves was mass produced, packaged in cans, was weak and bland, and was little involved with aroma, distinct flavor, or whether it was organic or ethically produced.

It was well around the late 20th century that the individualistic appeal of coffee was brought to light by the speciality coffee movement. This group of coffee connoisseurs began promoting a new coffee shop experience by highlighting the difference between various cups of coffee. Roasters all around the world began appealing to a younger market that was looking for something that spoke to their concerns, lifestyle, and individual character.

In the early part of the twenty first century, small and local coffee shops began sprouting up throughout the nation. Questions regarding the origin, ethical business practices, and harvesting became popular concerns. From this point, the speciality coffee industry evolved into an artisan venture. Like wine production and beer brewing, it adopted the notion of a carefully considered, technical, and involved craft that demands a profound passion and knowledge.

By nature, coffee is a varied product. Its distinguishing characteristics stem from the region where it is grown as well as the bean’s size, texture, how it is processed, and roasted. Today, there is a coffee that fits everybody. From the dark and heavy roasts to the lighter and fruitier blends.

How San Franciscan Coffee Roaster Machines Support the Individuality of Coffee

San Franciscan Roaster Company was very much part of this cultural shift. We have been producing our specialty roasters for many, many years and integrated this approach to coffee making into our work ethos. This is why all of our machines are not only made with American parts and fully assembled in the great state of Nevada, but they are also influenced with the underlying philosophy of individualism; every machine is in some way the product of our passion for coffee but also of our machinist’s individual effort, labor, and craft.

Every cup of coffee produced in your local coffee shop has endured a great journey. SFR commercial coffee roasters play an integral part of that journey, as they encourage creativity and facilitate quality. That is why our machines are infused with special features and designed for the finest quality production. Our story and our belief in the value of coffee is worked into every machine we build.

Be Part of the Journey

America’s central belief in the value of the individual has established a country of liberty and innovation. The San Franciscan Coffee Roaster Company believes in great coffee as more than just a commodity, but a cultural driving force with the capacity to bring people together. The SF10, our newest addition, only further expands our mission to provide machinery of the greatest quality to clients all over the world. Our machines are built to last.  We are proud that our knowledge, passion, and machines can play a part in this larger movement.

Topics: roaster profile, coffee roaster, commercial coffee roaster, roaster, Successful business, tradition, handmade, high quality, SF10