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The SanFranRoaster Blog......

The Makeup of a San Fran Roaster: Quality Materials for the Finest Roast

Posted by Maria Gomez

Tue, Aug, 27, 2019 @ 09:08 AM

sf1dcdsThe San Franciscan Roaster is a carefully constructed machine made for the purpose of roasting. As any specialty coffee aficionado is aware, roasting is an art as well as a science; this means that any alteration to the material, composition, and other variables will affect the process and the roastmaster’s ability to control or define the final roast. The makeup of our machines enhances the ability for unique roasts, which have a big impact on the final cup. It’s why our carefully crafted design has considered the architecture, the materials, and unique characteristics —such as the thickness of the drum—to create a stable thermal platform and the perfect conditions for a consistent, premium, and one-of-a-kind roast.

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Topics: handmade, high quality, education, coffee, coffee roasting

Two Linked Fates: How Bees Play a Role in Coffee Growth and Sustainability

Posted by Julia Hettiger

Fri, May, 10, 2019 @ 14:05 PM

coffeeIf you’re like us, you’ve probably seen hundreds, if not thousands of different kinds of “Save the Bees!” campaigns. Whether on social media, TV, or in person, people have been using their voices to help spread the word about the importance of bees, how they help the environment, and the current danger they are facing of possibly going extinct.

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Topics: education, coffee, sustainability

From the First Coffee Bean to the Vanilla Latte: Coffee’s Long, Global History

Posted by Julia Hettiger

Fri, Mar, 01, 2019 @ 14:03 PM

credit @boldbeancoffee 2Coffee is as universal as the air we breathe. From South America to Asia back to Europe and Africa, coffee is consumed all over the world. It’s one of the most popular drinks on the market and has been for hundreds and hundreds of years. While coffee may have been around a lot longer than researchers can prove, its earliest known use was in the 15th century in Yemen, in the Sufi Monasteries. From there, the consumption of coffee can be traced in many countries throughout history.

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Topics: International, education, coffee, coffee roasting, history of coffee roasting

Why You Should Buy an SF-1: From Training and Profiling to Perfection

Posted by Otto Nicli

Tue, Feb, 26, 2019 @ 15:02 PM

The SF-1 is the perfect profiling coffee roaster


The path towards perfection is paved with trial and error. Musicians work on demos before recording a classic; artists work on rough sketches before committing their art to canvas; writers rewrite drafts ad infinitum before completing a manuscript. As such, coffee roasters require a way of freely fine-tuning their roasts. This is where the SF-1 from the San Franciscan Roaster Company comes into play. As our smallest roaster, the SF-1 gives roastmasters the ability to get creative with their roasts without having to worry about ruining batches. In order to create something truly unique, it’s necessary to make mistakes. Bold decisions lead to great outcomes. All too often, however, creativity and originality are put on the backburner. With our SF-1, you won’t have to compromise your creativity.

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Topics: sf1, coffee, small batch coffee roaster

Bridge Coffee Company is Connecting Farmers with Consumers

Posted by The San Franciscan Roaster Co.

Wed, Sep, 26, 2018 @ 11:09 AM

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Topics: coffee roaster, california coffee, coffee, small batch coffee roaster, microlot