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The SanFranRoaster Blog......

Fetching Success: How Sarah Turned Coffee and Compassion into a Roasting Empire

Posted by The San Franciscan Roaster Co.

Tue, Mar, 18, 2025 @ 06:03 AM


By the time Sarah found herself on the roasting floor, inhaling the nutty, caramelized aroma of freshly tumbled coffee beans, she had already walked an unconventional path. A self-proclaimed coffee enthusiast in college, she never imagined that a marriage proposal would lead to something more than lifelong partnership—it would lead her straight into the belly of a roaring, fire-breathing coffee roaster.

Introduced to the art of roasting by her husband, Sarah was at first wary. The idea of standing over a machine billowing heat and smoke, its steel drum turning with the slow, hypnotic rhythm of alchemy, seemed more intimidating than inviting. There was the smell, yes—heady and intoxicating, but also dense, all-encompassing, inescapable. And then there were the questions of safety, toxicity, and the invisible threats that might be carried in the very air she breathed. But as any good scientist—and Sarah, with her background in animal behavior, was nothing if not methodical—would tell you, curiosity tends to win out over fear.

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Topics: roaster profile, roaster, woman roaster, she's the roaster, coffee culture, sf-25, Coffee Roasting Legends, Fetch coffee roasters

The Importance of Afterburners on Larger Coffee Roasters

Posted by The San Franciscan Roaster Co.

Mon, Aug, 05, 2024 @ 04:08 AM

san-fran-with-afterburnerIn the world of coffee roasting, precision and quality are paramount. As roasters scale up their operations to meet increasing demand, they encounter a host of new challenges, one of the most significant being the management of emissions. This is where afterburners come into play, becoming an essential component for larger coffee roasters.

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Topics: California, coffee roaster, SF75, education, experience, sf-25

Coffee Project NY Launches SCA Training Campus In New York City

Posted by The San Franciscan Roaster Co.

Mon, Dec, 16, 2019 @ 16:12 PM

Coffee Project NY co-owners and San Franciscan Roaster clients Chi Sum Ngai and Kaleena Teoh recently announced the opening of their third location, a 3,750-square-foot Long Island City venue with a brand new SF-25 commercial coffee roaster, a coffee library, the only Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) Premier Training Campus in New York City, and a public café where their deconstructed lattes and other beverages will be served. Today, we're sitting down with Chi Sum Ngai to hear more about the journey behind this Training Campus and what's next for Coffee Project NY!

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Topics: SF25, California, coffee roaster, commercial coffee roaster, News, high quality, coffee roasting, sf-25, sca, coffee project ny, specialty coffee association

Sitting Down With Mostra Coffee, 2020 Roaster Of The Year

Posted by The San Franciscan Roaster Co.

Thu, Oct, 17, 2019 @ 12:10 PM

Today, Roast Magazine announced the winners of two of the most prestigious awards that exist in the roasting community: Coffee By Design has been named 2020 Macro Roaster of the Year, and Mostra Coffee has been named 2020 Micro Roaster of the Year. Congratulations to these two fine roasters, and all the finalists!

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Topics: SF25, California, coffee roaster, commercial coffee roaster, Successful business, News, high quality, coffee roasting, sf-25, mostra coffee