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The SanFranRoaster Blog......

Cà Phê Roasters is Helping Revitalize Philadelphia's Kensington Neighborhood with Vietnamese Coffee

Posted by The San Franciscan Roaster Co.

Wed, Apr, 24, 2019 @ 14:04 PM


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Topics: SF6, woman roaster, small batch coffee roaster, she's the roaster, coffee culture, coffee drinks

Why You Should Buy an SF-1: From Training and Profiling to Perfection

Posted by Otto Nicli

Tue, Feb, 26, 2019 @ 15:02 PM

The SF-1 is the perfect profiling coffee roaster


The path towards perfection is paved with trial and error. Musicians work on demos before recording a classic; artists work on rough sketches before committing their art to canvas; writers rewrite drafts ad infinitum before completing a manuscript. As such, coffee roasters require a way of freely fine-tuning their roasts. This is where the SF-1 from the San Franciscan Roaster Company comes into play. As our smallest roaster, the SF-1 gives roastmasters the ability to get creative with their roasts without having to worry about ruining batches. In order to create something truly unique, it’s necessary to make mistakes. Bold decisions lead to great outcomes. All too often, however, creativity and originality are put on the backburner. With our SF-1, you won’t have to compromise your creativity.

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Topics: sf1, coffee, small batch coffee roaster

Due to Overwhelming Success, We’re Extending our Offer on the SF-6 “Embrace the Craft” Bundle!

Posted by The San Franciscan Roaster Co.

Thu, Jan, 10, 2019 @ 10:01 AM


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Topics: coffee roaster, commercial coffee roaster, SF6, small batch coffee roaster, coffee roasting, art of roasting

An Interview with Colombia's Roaster Champion, Luisa Fernanda Quintero

Posted by The San Franciscan Roaster Co.

Fri, Dec, 07, 2018 @ 11:12 AM


Luisa Fernanda Quintero, winner of the Colombia National Roaster's Championship
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Topics: coffee roaster, small batch coffee roaster, coffee roasting, art of roasting, she's the roaster

From the Old World to the New: The San Franciscan Design and Handcrafted Ingenuity

Posted by Maria Gomez

Thu, Nov, 29, 2018 @ 08:11 AM



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Topics: handmade, small batch coffee roaster, coffee roasting, art of roasting, history of coffee roasting