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What Goes Into a Holiday Blend Coffee?


Posted by The San Franciscan Roaster Co.

Tue, Dec, 27, 2022 @ 06:12 AM

A red cup full of coffee on a wood table in Nevada.This holiday season, there is no better way to spend a chilly morning with a delicious cup of holiday blend coffee. Better yet, you can start brewing your own holiday blend with your very own coffee roaster. You've come to the right place if you're a professional, amateur, or at-home coffee brewer and want to make the perfect holiday blend. We will look at the ingredients you'll need and what the key to success is when brewing holiday blend coffee. 

If you want to purchase a custom-made coffee roaster, you’ve come to the right place. Contact us online or call (775) 996-2280 to learn more.

What is a Holiday Blend Coffee? 

While everyone does their holiday blend differently, they should always share certain qualities and traits. For one, a holiday blend coffee should include a seasonal and festive flavor, aka, Christmas in a cup. However, you don't want to go overboard with peppermint and other "Christmasy" flavors to the point where your coffee doesn't taste like coffee anymore. 

You also want a healthy balance of sweet and toasty while not going too strong. If you want to go outside the box, you can do specialty flavors like gingerbread, eggnog, and peppermint candy. However, if you're looking for a solid, all-around holiday blend coffee that everyone will like, continue to the next section. 

How to Make a Holiday Blend Coffee 

As we said before, many different versions of the holiday blend coffee exist. By definition, a holiday blend is a "blend" or combination of different types of coffee beans. The goal is to create a coffee that's unique, delicious, and festive. 

Coffee Source 

As with all coffee blends, the first thing to consider with a holiday blend is where you get your coffee from. Latin American coffees are extremely popular for various blends, but they're sometimes too light for a true holiday blend. As such, you should opt for beans from African countries like Rwanda, Kenya, and Ethiopia. 


When it comes to choosing the coffees that make up the blend, you should have highlight coffees and base coffees. Your base coffees will form the foundation for how the coffee tastes and looks, while your highlight coffees will add tasty notes and touches. While you can go in a lot of different directions, a good holiday blend should be dark and have a combination of sweetness, toastiness, acidity, and bitterness. 

Here are some of the best base and highlight coffees to use in your holiday blend. 

  • Helsar Miguel Rojas
  • Comayagua Nueva Alianza
  • Rwiri Yagikawa Station
  • Burundi Kayanza Gahahe Station
  • Ethiopia Agaro Duromina Cooperative
  • Rwanda Nyamasheke Nyakibingo Station

Putting It All Together

Once you know which coffees you want to use, it's time to put it all together. As a general rule, your base coffees should make up between ⅓ and ½ of your holiday blend. The rest of it should consist of your highlight coffees, which you should choose based on the flavor profile for which you're shooting. When it's all said and done, your holiday blend should taste somewhere between a traditional blend and an espresso blend. 

Contact us at San Franciscan Roasters for more great holiday blend recipes and ideas! 

Who to Turn to for the Best Holiday Blend Coffee 

If you're struggling to create the perfect holiday blend coffee, it could be because you simply don't have the right equipment. In order to make a good holiday blend, you need a top-of-the-line roaster from a reputable coffee roaster manufacturer. In other words, you need a coffee roaster from San Franciscan Roasters

Although we're based out of Carson City, Nevada, we offer nationwide services and shipping to ensure that everyone in the country has the coffee supplies they need. Contact us online or call (775) 996-2280 to learn more or to order your coffee roaster today.