How Do I Install SerialComm Drivers on my PC or Mac?

How to install drivers for Windows, MacOS, or Linux and get your SerialComm working

  1. All San Franciscan Coffee Roasters come with a SerialComm data conversion system in order to capture data from the roaster on a PC or Mac computer.
  2. There should be a small disc included with the roaster that can be used to download the proper drivers for your computer by inserting it into the CD drive.
  3. If the disc is unavailable or your computer does not have a CD drive, you can go to this website to download the driver:
  4. Scroll down to the section entitled “Drivers” and click on the link “USB-ISO-485”:

   5.   Download and install the appropriate driver for your computer and operating system:

Note: If you have a Windows system, choose "Available as a setup executable" (see below):

  6.   Plug in the SerialComm into a USB drive on your computer and you should be able to utilize the system to capture data from your San Franciscan Roaster.